viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

P entered La Chureca

This Thursday, MJ followed the rubbish' way from the bin to La Chureca on board a rubbish lorry. After having left the little one at his pre-school, I followed, observing the observer. They work quite efficient, I must say. Just to follow the white lorry speeding through Managua, was hard enough. And they ran with rubbish as well!

One person at the back of the lorry, two on the street, collecting the bins, sacks or just rubbish piled outside the houses. The two on the street throws to the one on the lorry, who sorts valuables to the plastic bags and the rest into the stomach of the lorry.

When the lorry was full, it had to be emptied. I followed it in our, rather too old and too crappy Mitsubishi Space Wagon, into La Chureca. Since the day was very windy, the burning plastic on both sides of the road entering La Chureca created a rather scary tunnel the last hundred metres before the entrance. The car's tires are not in good shape, but then again, it seemed quite suitable for a dump. So, in I went, hoping not having to change tires in the fumes - where people live. It was, eh, apocalyptical (like Mad Max, but more smoke and dust).

I couldn't follow the lorry all the way to where it got emptied (tires!), instead I stopped and talked to people. Well, when I could open the window a little bit in between the smoke and dust attacks, I talked to people. One man I spoke to, stood there, directing lorries. We said hello and such, and then he took out his sandwich and started to eat. I had to close the window. It was either that, or coughing to death. He ate. After that i kept my window and mouth shut. Scary place! Impressive inhabitants!

I guess teaching and writing blah blah blah isn't that hard, after all.

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